Thursday, July 31, 2008

Dreams from the Elders

As I watched the sea of people teeming before the Victory Column in Berlin, I knew that Barack Obama was doing things that few politicians were able to do. To rally his supporters in America is one thing, though the support for Obama has been especially fervent. Some have even gone so far as to call it cult-like. Two months ago, I would have dismissed the fervor as merely an outpouring of support for a skilled and charismatic politician. Or possibly the masses clamoring for a leader in troubled times. But now I've seen the writings of Barack Obama in the Necronomicon. And I know the power of the darker cult, the Cult of Cthulhu, the members of which he commands while being led by an even darker and more sinister power. Now I fear that fouler things are at work, and that the audacity of hope is a mask for a terrible plan that will lead to the destruction of mankind.

I spent much of last week at the Morehead Planetarium in Chapel Hill, NC. I'm following my policy of keeping this blog well behind my actual activities, so rest assured that I'm now long gone. The Necronomicon gives clues as to when the time will be right for Cthulhu and the other Old Ones to awaken and for the sunken necropolis of R'yleh to rise from the ocean depths. These clues are based on astrology, on the locations of the stars and the planets from which the Old Ones came eons and eons ago. I was able to use the resources of the planetarium to confirm what I had suspected after reading the accounts of Professors Thurston and Angell: the time is again right for Cthulhu to rise. The Cult is preparing for his return within the next two years. The Necronomicon is not specific enough for me to pin down an exact date, nor are the movements of the relevant bodies well understood by the astronomical community, but I am failry certain the day of reckoning will occur in the waning months of 2009.

Angell's account dictates that the Elders started reaching out to the minds of humans well before the earthquake that lifted R'yleh out of the sea. It's also said that the rituals and practices of the cult stir something deep within the hearts of men, something older and more primal than mankind itself. The Obama campaign is using this inside track into our reptilian psyches to inspire his supporters to their manic levels of support, while the Old Ones sing out to the minds of men, whispering thoughts to us in our sleep. The foul and ancient secrets of the Earth conspire to elect their Manchurian candidate, so that they will have an agent to see that their plans come to fruition.

And what are those plans? What is the movivation for this gargantuan effort? It is to succeed in successfully raising Cthulhu where fate intervened on behalf of mankind before. Johansen and his crew, heavily armed interlopers on the island of R'yleh, were able to intercede in the ritual before Cthulhu had achieved his full strength. Though those men lost their lives and sanity, the rest of us were spared the same fate. In this age of modern armies spanning the globe and satellite imagery covering every square mile of land and sea, it is almost assured that the same thing would happen again, this time on a grander scale. American technology watches from the skies, and American power polices the world and responds to emergencies. As the commander in chief, Obama would be positioned to make sure that the risen city is not disturbed by any modern power. He could even order it protected by American ships while the horrible ancient power basks in the sunlight for the first time in nearly a century, gathering strength for the conquest of the Earth.

I am certian that the time is nearingfor R'yleh to rise again. The confluence of that with Obama's rise, now that I know what I do about him point with near certainty to his plan for America and give clear motivation for his designs on the highest office in the land. I think of the 200,000 in Berlin, the 70,000 in Portland, and the untold thousands that will gather in the Broncos Stadium in Denver, and I shudder to think that Obama would invite these foul, ancient beings into our hearts and minds. That he would make us complicit in their terrible plans. While the candidates criss-cross the country campaigning for votes, I'll continue my campaign for knowledge and evidence to use against the Cult and its leader. Now that I--and now you--know their plans, there is a prayer of exposing them and keeping them from fruition. That is, if our prayers are heard by anyone except Them.